
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Super Drawstring Pouch Pattern Free Until Dec 1st

Here is a cute little pouch I tested for Lisa Ratford from two pretty poppets.

This has got to be one of the quickest sews I've ever made and super cute too. The pattern comes in three sizes. I tested the smallest one. As always Lisa's patterns are excellent. Very easy to follow with clear photos and instructions.
  •  ROBIN SIZE (small)
  •  SUPERMAN SIZE (medium)
  •  HULK SIZE (large)
I'm not going to make you read to the end of my post as this pattern is only free until 1st Dec to Mrs H blog readers so go over quickly to get your free download. After that date you'll have to pay for the pattern.

Just look at that cute little cape.

These would look great in super hero fabrics with capes to give as gifts.
They can be used for so many things and kids will love them.

I'm using mine to keep my clips. 

Just perfect. 

Then I went on to make another without the cape.

My daughter makes jewelry. This set was for a customer so I quickly made the pouch to give her.

If you've come this far then quickly go click on the link above for Mrs H blog to get your free copy of the pattern

Thanks for stopping by

~ Maria ~

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Mini Carryall

A few days ago I tested this bag for Jane Poh of Projects by Jane.
It's always such a pleasure testing for Jane. Never a mistake to be found or any corrections to be made. Perfection!!!

Jane's patterns are excellent quality. Good photos and explanations from the smallest detail to the most difficult part.

This is my test carryall. These are excellent for craft fairs. I sold this one a couple of hours after finishing it and got orders for two more just like it which you can see in the last two photos.

I followed the pattern except for one thing. You've probably heard me say it before but I don't like floppy bags they have to be firm and stand to attention.
Gives you an idea of what a slave driver I can be LOLLL

Jane on the other hand likes 'fabric to feel like fabric'. I suspect she's more of a romantic LOLLL

 You cant see very well but all seams are hidden away as you would expect with Jane's patterns.

 I've put some make up here to give you an idea of the size but you could use this carryall for so many things. It would be perfect for sewing stuff especially if you do hand sewing like hexies, get the idea.

These are the other two that were custom orders.
I'm having to sew up bags for the shop this week and next week too, we're going back in time to the 1940's - 50's. After that I really want to make some time for more of these carryalls.

If you'd like the pattern for the Mini Carryall you can go HERE to Jane's Etsy or HERE from Jane's blog and do hurry becasue the pattern is being sold at a DISCOUNT PRICE until Nov 23rd.

Thanks for staying with me. I'm not her very often but I am sewing everyday and keeping a record of my bags so one of these days I'm going to bombard you with loads of photos.

Take care and Happy Sewing

~ Maria ~