
Monday, September 3, 2012

I Have a Button


It's been a learning experience for me today. I've spent the best part of it trying to make a button for my blog and then trying to learn how to add a code to it. Now it didn't take so long because I had made a wonderfully intricate design for it more like I didn't have a clue what I was doing. LOLL

This is what I came up with.

As you can see nothing special but it's the best I can do for now.
After searching for tutorials to make my button I came across this site.

as well as using

which was the easiest part.
I've added my new button and code to the right hand side bar just below my followers. I don't have a clue if it works so I need to ask a favour. Would you please test it out for me by adding it to you blog to see if it works. You can always delete it if you don't want to keep it. My feelings won't be hurt. LOLL

Thanks for your help.

~ Maria ~


  1. Yup it works, it's on my right hand side bar on my blog if you want to check it out. I won't keep it though because I keep getting nagged that my site's so slow to load on mobiles. :) xx

  2. I added your button to the "blogs I visit" tab at the top of my blog. Yes it does work! I'm keeping it. Looks pretty. I too have wanted to learn how to make a button, but so many tutorials I read you needed photoshop which I don't have. Okay Maria you have inspiried me to give it a try and see if I can come up with a button that works too. If I get one done, I'll be asking you to test mine, lol!

  3. Maria when I clicked on the link for pic monkey it ends up at Monster Jobs. Weird, huh?

  4. Thanks Daryl. I've checked it out and it's working fine now.


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