
Monday, January 28, 2013

Table Runner, Flowers and a Tree

Finally completed an order. The lady that I made the two Dresden plate table toppers for also wanted a table runner. She gave me a piece of fabric that was a remnant left over from her sofa's. It wasn't very big, I got nine 6" x 6" squares out of it. The fabric was upholstery fabric so I was limited in how I could cut the piece as it was too thick to make a small intricate block. I bought some plain brown curtain fabric to add to it and I had the border fabric which is satin curtain fabric.

This is the fabric she gave me.

The binding looks like black in the photo but it's actually a dark brown.

The overall measurement is 36" x 21"

She loved the fabric flowers I made for my kitchen so she asked me to make her some also.

You can find the tutorial for the flowers here. The tutorial also includes instructions for the stems but I used this one here.

 And last of all was a Christmas tree. She saw the green fabric I had in my stash and asked if I would make it for her.

With this out of the way I've now started on the next project. Another order that involves loads of different bits and pieces for the kitchen including a chef's hat which I've never made so that should be fun. First I'm starting with the eight place mats. I'll keep you posted on each of the projects as I finish them.

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Maria ~


  1. You're the busiest bee in the hive!!

  2. Hi Maria! Your projects are just lovely! The runner has beautiful fabrics and is so elegant! The flowers are so pretty and cheerful and fresh looking ;) and the tree is very nice~ As always I love your work! You go girl!!! ♥♥♥

  3. Dearest Maria,

    So beautiful. the upholstery fabrics so elegant.I bet she loves the result.very well done.
    love this table runner.
    have a good day

  4. The runner is lovely and the flowers and tree are great too.

  5. Maria!!! CELEBRATION TIME!!!
    You now have 100 FOLLOWERS!!! WooHoo!!! ♥

  6. Love your sewing...please do a tute when making the chef's hat...I need to make one for my 10 yr. old g/son, he is non-verbal autistic but loves to cook...He can learn repetitive tasks and the chef hat will give cooking an identity.
    Congratulations on the century mark. Here's to the next 100!

  7. Hi Maria, this table runner is beautiful, I really like how you've combined the colors.
    I understand that the lady asked you to do the fabric flowers, because they are beautiful and unique!!!! Everything you do is always outstanding, I think if I lived near you I would go to visit you often to be filled with inspiration. I hope you do not mind I will pin four flowers on my board of sewing on Pinterest.
    Marisa from

  8. The tablerunner fabrics look like they were made to go together - nice combination! You ARE a busy little bee --- there's no time to get in trouble when you spend it sewing, lol!

  9. You always make such beautiful things !!!


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