
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Patchwork bag #2

It's another patchwork bag. A customer saw the first one I made and asked if I'd make her one practically the same just she wanted some red in it.
I love making these bags and already have another one to complete which is also an order.

Just a little beading work. It's a killer on my eyes.

The customer really liked this larger piece of fabric and wanted it included in the patchwork but it's a large pattern and just got lost so I used a big portion of it on the back.


I don't like hand stitching so I've never been keen on embroidery. I couldn't find the tutorial I used for the little flowers on my last bag so searched for another one and came up with this one over at Follow The White Bunny. I didn't have a clue these were called Bullion Knot roses, so easy to make and pretty too.

~ Maria ~


  1. LOLLL....I used to like embroidery once.....BUT had forgotten what those roses were called....These days I avoid hand sewing like the plague! LOLLLL LOVE the patchwork bag....gorgeous and perfect, as usual!

  2. Sincerely--you do such absolutely beautiful work.

  3. Maria that's a great bag and a wonderful way to use up those never ending scraps too. I like your beaded accents. I am surprised you don't like to do hand work because those bullion roses are so pretty!

  4. Visiting you from Sew Many Ways. Thanks for sharing your bag. It is stunning.

  5. For someone who is not comfortable with embroidery, you did a great job with the roses.

  6. Beautiful bag - and a zipper too! I have to get over my zipper-phobia and trying adding one to my next bag.

  7. what a lovely bag! I can't believe you don't like embroidery but made the most amazing bullion roses!

  8. Cut bag! I love patchwork! The bullion knot roses are a great touch!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party


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