
Friday, December 20, 2013

My Handmade Christmas

I was a bit late putting up the Christmas decorations this year but I finally got them up about a week ago. Most of my decorations are things I've made over the years and just keep putting up every year. Most years I add to them but this year haven't had time to make any extra decorations.

Here's a look at some of them. This Santa was given to me and I'm still not sure if I like the look of him or not. He looks kind of scary to me but his beard is so soft.

We always had a natural Christmas tree but some years ago I bought this artificial one, it's not the same as having a real one but so much more convenient. We have a large mirror in the sitting room so I always put the tree up in front of it. Makes it look like I have two trees.
Next year I have to make a new tree skirt. With the exception of the star and the glass baubles all the decorations have been made by me.

This wreath is just a metal coat hanger covered in tinsel and a ribbon added.
The penguin belonged to the kids when they were small.

This fabric tree comes out every Christmas. I made it about 17 years ago from a coat my mum made me.

And I couldn't have Christmas without my dear 21 year old robin. He looks pretty good for his age. LOLL

 ~ Maria ~


  1. Wonderful Christmas decoration! Love those tiny Moose candles :O)
    Happy evening,

  2. It's starting to look a lot like Christmas !!!
    Love your homemade ornaments!!

  3. I have memories about a lot of my Christmas decorations too - doesn't putting them out take you on a trip down memory lane? I love it! Your decorations look very festive and lovely, and your tree (trees! lol!) is great :)

  4. All looks very festive! Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!! Looking forward to another year of your blogging and creations.

  5. It looks fabulous Maria! Really festive! Did you get your Christmas card from me yet? xx


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