
Monday, December 16, 2013

Where Is Everyone???

Has everyone disappeared off the face of bloggy earth? Am I the only one left?


For the last couple of days I've been so lonely looking at my emails and waiting for someone to post to their blog but nothing came. Maybe everyone's just busy with Christmas preparations so just too make sure I checked blogger and there were my favourite blogs posting away and I was missing all the gorgeous creativity going on. Bloglovin seems to have forgotton to send me updates. I don't have a clue why.

Has anyone else had any problems? I'd love to hear from you especially if you have. Please let me know if you've experienced the same.

~ Maria ~


  1. Hi, I am new to the blogging thing. My goal has been to post at least once a week (hopefully more) on, but with the holidays and the flu sweeping through the fam it has become harder. I barely squeaked in my desired one post last week.

    I have seen the same thing though on a lot of my favorite blogs, but I think it is probably just the holidays. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Hope everyone is feeling better. Don't worry about not being able to blog on a regular basis, the main thing is that you have fun with it.

  2. I have a lot of blogs on my Bloglovin' and I've been getting posts but some of my favorites have posted but I haven't gotten the updates. I thought it was just me. There is one blog that has been doing watercolor tutorials that I really love and I have to do a search for it each day to see what is happening.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and letting me know. I subscribed by email to a lot of blogs but there are so many more I rely on bloglovin to send me updates on. I don't always have the time to comment on so many blogs but I love looking through to see what everyone is making.

  3. That must've been scary!! I use bliglovin and it hasn't happened for me. About being busy I know I am. Also a bit sneaky hiding things!!

  4. That happens to me sometimes too - I don't use Bloglovin, but I know it's happened at least several times on most of the blog readers I've tried over the years. I don't remember it happening on Google Reader, but it probably did - I don't think it's just a Bloglovin thing. One blog I follow shows up so rarely on the reader that I've had to subscribe to her by email to make sure I see posts - then of course, every post shows up on the reader, LOL!

  5. Hello Maria,
    I went back to work, so sadly I don’t have much time for blogging. Especially to take photographs, It’s very dark by the time I arrive home : (
    But I still here, doing some things and I’ll post them soon.
    Have a lovely Christmas. I’ll keep in touch!

  6. Maria I don't know if it's BlogLovin or Blogger that is the problem. I scheduled my posting to post at 4 am and I just noticed my posting showing up on my Blogger Dashboard at around 1:00 pm. It did post on my blog probably at the correct time because it was on my blog when I got up this morning, but I just now saw it on my dashboard listings of blogs.

  7. Oh my Dear!
    SORRY! ..I am stil here :O))))
    You are not alone, my dear! I always have an eye on you ...LOL........but I did not have much time during the last days....
    Hugs to you

  8. Wish I could blame BlogLovin' for my lack of activity. I really haven't posted in a long time.. just haven't had time to sew!


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