
Friday, January 24, 2014

Grow Your Blog

I'm really excited to be joining in the 'Grow Your Blog' party hosted by Vicki over at 2 Bags Full.
This event is designed to help bloggers find new followers but more importantly to make new friends, so for those of you who are just visiting my blog for the first time, a very big welcome to you and hope you'll stop a while to take a look around.

This party is all about getting to know each other so let me tell you a little about myself.
My name is Maria. I was born in Spain and then moved to the UK with my family when I was three. Eighteen years ago I moved to the Middle East with my hubby where I live now.  I'm now 50 years old and not shy to let people know, after all it's just a number, right.
I have two grown kids, a daughter nearly 25 and a son 22 years old.

I started blogging just over 2 years ago after giving it much thought and weighing up the pro's and con's and have never looked back.
I originally started it to keep a record of the things I make. I love making bags and test for a few bag designers. I also love to do patchwork quilting and although I haven't made anything larger than a runner or table topper I hope that will change this year. I've been sewing since I was at school an my mum was an excellent seamstress. I also make cloths for myself but only out of necessity, it's not always easy finding the right style, size and fabric with ready made clothes.

The thing I have enjoyed the most about blogging though is all the wonderful friends I have made from all over the world. People who I have never met and more than likely will never meet yet they are all so kind, generous and supportive. Without these friends blogging would be meaningless.

Now for the hardest part of this post. Vicki has encouraged us to show a photo of ourselves, and I agree, it's always nice to see who you are reading about and who you are communicating with in emails so here's one of me but I warn you if anything goes wrong with your computers I'm not going to be held responsible LOLL

I look like I'm in deep thought here, probably thinking about what to sew next LOLL

I'm really looking forward to making new friends and reading your comments but please make sure you are not a 'no reply' blogger or commenter so I am able to reply to your emails. If you leave a comment and don't get a reply from me then you can be sure you are one of those people that I can't get in touch with.

Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. Ahhh are beautiful!!!! Like a Spanish Princess!!
    If I looked like you do, I would of posted a picture of myself long ago!!
    I am sooo glad you did...I had a totally different picture of you in my mind !
    More old & grumpy like me !! LOL
    Darn...that means I am older then you...I hate being the old one!!
    Being the grumpy one is OK, but not the older one!! LOL
    It is nice to have a picture of you when I write!
    the old bag lady!! LOL

    1. Weeeee I am the baby.... I am the baby! I'm only 49! LOLLLLLL Ok so I think I may take the prize for being the GRUMPIEST lately though! LOLLLLL BUT...I have to agree with the old bag are beautiful like a Spanish Princess! (I think I will REMOVE my pic now, especially since I admitted to being not yet 50! LOL) Your skin looks so clear and beautiful....clearly you haven't had to put up with a hubby like MINE or else you would have WRINKLES like mine! I gotta blame someone you know! LOLLLLLL

  2. HI Maria!!! Love learning more about you!! ...and wonderful beautiful picture! It is nice to put a face (and a pretty face that is!) to my dear bloggy friend!! I turn 55 tomorrow...(the 25th) It must be my birthday right now for you! Yes it's a number...and my feet ache a
    Happy Day!!

  3. Gawd you're gorgeous - and you only look about 25! I'm 52 - when I turned 50, I stopped pretending I was 29, LOL!

  4. Hi Maria! I finally have a face for you. I'm also 50!! And also have 2 "kids", oldest daughter 24 and another daughter 23. I thought you lived in Spain. Well, the important thing is the nice friendship we all share!!

  5. Hello and welcome to the GYB Party!! I am Shannon, one of Vicky's volunteers for this event just coming around to help check out everyone's blogs:) Hope you have a fun time at the 'Party'!!!

  6. Now I can see you Maria and like the others said you are a very beautiful woman! You should have shown yourself a long time ago. From reading the comments from the others, I must be the oldest one here, lol!!! I turned 58 last November. It's just a number, but a different number from you, lol!!! Since you said your mom was an excellent seamstress, I now know where you got your excellent sewing skills from! Thanks Maria. I feel I know you a little better than before. I didn't join this blog hop. Maybe I should have.

  7. That bag is great. I started by blog also to keep track of what I make. I am just finishing up my first large quilt 53 x 68 or so. You can do it. I found you through grow your blog event. Nice to meet you!

  8. Hello Maria. It is lovely to meet you. I'm visiting from Australia.

  9. Your purses are awesome. New follower. I am having fun finding new bloggers to sewing and quilting. Greetings from Oklahoma, USA. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  10. Maria! I am happy to meet you! I agree with Liz, Daryl and the rest you would have to upload a picture of you in a while, I imagined you different! I have 52 years old, I see that I'm more or less on the age of your followers. Now I'll say it again, "I am delighted to meet you"!!
    Marisa from

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  12. Hey Maria, Wow you made a lot in the month of January. I love your idea of one quick image to show all your accomplishments. you create wonderful pieces. It has been lovely getting to know you.


  13. dang. Missed the part about the photograph. sigh. Visiting via Vicki's GYBP and enjoying your blog...that is I was enjoying your blog until I realized I'd goofed up. -just kidding!- Nice visiting you.

  14. I have really enjoyed reading your blog - your work is great - I do love your quilts - they are beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Happy hopping!

  15. I'll have whatever you're having. I can't believe how much you got done in a month. Seriously impressed.

  16. Hello. I live in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Nice to meet you. 'mI trying to visit all the blogs - that is very time consuming but fun :)
    You have been very busy - lovely work!

  17. I like all things creative n thrifty and I found you from the GYB party.

    I don’t have a lot of blog time in for I just started blogging when I joined the blog party it was my New Year resolution. 600 entries and I am Reading my 434 blog and more to go. Whew a lot of good read and great giveaways too. I know the importance of having blogging followers so I dropped everything and doing the web work. My site and contact info is I believe inspiration comes from all facets of life even knowing the great people out there with wisdom and knowledge the do's and don'ts and even the wonders of life from a personal point of view. And loving the crafting networks. following you on blogger and the Bloglovin

  18. Love the pic of you and nice to finally put a face to the name of my dear online friend who is sew inspiring. Liked your winter photos, that is common thing "snow" here in wisconsin unfortunately LOL. And cute zip pouch too. As always you just inspire me.

    Happy sewing
    Heather in wi


Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Your comments mean so much to me and inspire me to create.