
Saturday, January 4, 2014

I've Been Featured.

What a wonderful way to start the New Year.
A feature of my Candy Makeup Bag over at Homework.

Make sure you pop over to see all the other beautiful creations that have been featured.
Homework offers so much inspiration and has beautiful crafts that are easy to make and look wonderful.

Now for news on what I've been up to in the new year.
Right from day one I've been busy sewing away and have completed a project or two but have to keep them secret until they have been sent and received which could be a long time as they are being sent to far away lands. As soon as I know they have been received I'll show you too.
I'm still undecided on fabrics for the sewalong I'm taking part in but hopefully next week when it starts I'll have chosen something.
I received the first of six bag patterns from Sara and am dying to make a start. There is the possibility of a couple of test bags too. I have a custom order for a patchwork bag and a patchwork table runner so January is full to the brim. Oh I nearly forgot I also joined a quiltalong. I think I'd best write everything down or else I'm going to take on more than I can handle.

What do you all have planned for January? Is anyone joining in a sewalong or quiltalong?

~ Maria ~


  1. Congratulations on the feature! I'm doing an after Christmas sewalong, and there are a couple more 'alongs that I'll keep an eye on when the information gets published - one of them involves working with lace :)

  2. Of course you've been featured, you're fabulous!!

    I'm working on my bag ready to send out for testing and then I'll be working on a freebie bag & hopefully something Valentines-ey project too!!

  3. Sorry to use you as a guinea pig...I have nearly torn all of Dus' hair out trying to work out google & blogger tonight!

  4. Congrats on the feature! By far, yours was the cutest project there!


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