
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Satin Paisley Blouse

So much for taking a break from sewing. Since giving up smoking on 1st Jan I've put on so much weight that when I had to go out one evening I didn't have a thing to wear. Luckily my black trousers still fit but I needed a top. I knwe what I wanted but after searching for three days and not being able to find either the style I wanted or the size I decided the only solution was to make one.

I started it the day before the evening I needed it. I avoid making clothes like the plague becasue it's something I really don't like doing but I must admit I was happy with how it turned out and it cost me a third of a ready made one.

I'm a bit of a plain Jane and wouldn't normally go for a print and definitely not a satin but I couldn't resist this one.

This is the other fabric I chose which I liked better but it didn't match the trousers so this will be for another time. This one has silk in it and feels beautiful on the skin.

This would also make a beautiful evening bag LOLL.

At the moment I have a couple of wallets on my cutting table that I hope to finish in the next couple of days.

~ Maria ~


  1. Lovely Blouse, Maria!
    Happy sewing day,

  2. All of your other sewing and you find time to make a blouse the day before you need it! Amazing !!! By the way, it is beautifully done. Oh, and congrats on the stopping smoking :)

  3. Lovely blouse Maria. I like the paisley print with that touch of turquoise in it. Great buttons too. Making clothes is not my favorite, but I do make some from time-to-time.

  4. Do you ever sew anything that doesn't look beautiful? :)

  5. The shirt is gorgeous - so is the other paisley! I haven't sewn clothing in such a long time - I used to make all my clothes when I worked in an office, but that was a lifetime ago :D

  6. what a gorgeous blouse! I love the details you've put in - the cuffs looks great. Are they all self-covered buttons? You should make clothes more often, you're really good at it!

  7. First off....Congratulations on quiting smoking!?? Yepeee
    I know it wasn't easy but the worse is'll get better from here on in...and think of all the money you'll save fir new fabrics!!!
    The blouse is beautiful but everything you sew is!!!

  8. Beautiful blouse ... my last blouse was in grade 7 ... it was awful and I never returned to the scene of the crime.


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