
Friday, April 4, 2014

Meet The Competition

I had my daughter visiting for about three weeks and while she was here she wanted me to teach her how to make a wallet and also a makeup bag.

I was only too pleased to do it but at the same time knew I don't have much patience. I expect perfection from the word go and that's not just from others but also from myself. While I was busy elsewhere she took out my pattern and chose some fabric which I laughed like crazy at. Not exactly my choice but then she did say she didn't want to use any of my good fabric or fabric that I may have needed. Anyway by the time I came in she'd already cut it out.
I set about teaching her how to make it up and told her I'd given up smoking but at this rate I'd be smoking something much stronger LOLLL

Here it is. My daughters first wallet. Some of the stitching was really impressive and some not.

You can see the not so impressive stitching on this one along the top and along the binding.

She's new to quilting so just did a few straight lines.

Now this stitching I'm impressed with.

This is the makeup bag she made after the wallet and was made using the tutorial HERE.

Not bad huh!!!!!

This fabric is one of her own designs that she printed out.

Looks like I'll have some competition in the future.
My daughter left this morning so I now have my room back and I'll be able to get on with my sewing without any interruptions but I'll still miss having her around. Luckily I have too much to do to think about it.

~ Maria ~


  1. Your daughter did a wonderful job Maria! I'm sure she'll be sewing circles around you before too long, lol!!! Does she have her own sewing machine?

  2. Maria,
    the Wallet and the Cosmetic bag of your daughter are wonderful! I guess, she is got your talent too :O)) She just did not know yet ;O)))
    Yes, it lookes like she will cvome now more often to use your sewing room ...LOLLLL ..
    Thanky for showing, she did a great job!
    Happy weekend to you in your sewing room :O))

  3. I say it's a great job by your daughter. In spanish there's a saying: "Lo que se hereda no se hurta." Not sure if you've heard it before. I think they say "like mother like daughter". She just needs more practice and she'll be great like you. I wonder when my daughters will get interested in sewing, if ever! ;-)

  4. How fun, Maria! Nothing is better than someone asking you to teach them. My daughters were not interested growing up so I didn't press it but recently my great nieces asked me to teach them and that was of them is named Maria by the way. Your daughter did a great job.

  5. She did a great job.. but of course she had an awesome teacher!


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