
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Keeping It In The Family

Some of you will know that my daughter graduated from University a while back as a Textile and Fashion Designer. She's finding it pretty hard to get her foot in the door of the design world so in the meantime she's enjoying sewing things for a craft fair and has even got a custom order for a single bed quilt. She's also teaching English as a foreign language in an institute and has a private student who is only 5 I think. His mum saw this zippy makeup bag and loved it. She asked my daughter to make a quilt for her son out of his old clothes.

Here's the pouch she made. Pretty good for her first effort I think. She didn't buy the fabrics especially for it, she just used what she had lying around to experiment.
All it is is strips of fabric cut out and woven together, ironed onto some interfacing and then a backing fabric used ready to top stitch the pouch in a decorative machine stitch. Simple and effective.
She's been talking about designing bags. Watch out Christine & Samantha, at the rate she's going we'll all be out of work LOLLLLLL

So there are no raw edges you could also fold them under before ironing and weaving.
This photo is the original one she sent me before doing the collage.

It's so nice to have someone in the family who shares my passion and it's great to be able to talk fabric and sewing with her too. I'm going to have to watch my back from now on.

~ Maria ~


  1. Maria your daughter did a wonderful job and I can't wait to see the quilt she makes too.

  2. FABULOUS job and i too can't wait to see her quilt! With YOU as a mentor, yes, we will have to watch out alright! I better start upping my game....a pattern designed every six months just doesn't cut it! LOLLLLLL

  3. Looks fab:) Really like the finish - not used fancy stitches on my machine - may just have to have a go:)

    1. Thanks Vicky. I too love the stitching and may copy it myself. It finishes it off nicely.

  4. Really cute Maria. So colorful., I rarely use any of those fancy stitches either but this stitching looks great on this pouch. How fun to have a quilt out of the child's own clothes. So meaningful. Show it to us when she gets done.

  5. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Looks like she has had an awesome mentor! How very talented your daughter is! nancy

  6. It looks fabulous! I'm happy you can share your passion of sewing with your daughter. I was visiting my sister and share a lot with her too. We went to fabric stores and spent a little too much on fabric. I'll share more of it when I get back home.

  7. I love scrappy, so that pouch makes me happy! I'm envious that you get to share your love of fabric and sewing with your daughter - she's going to learn a lot from you, and you'll learn from her as well! My 3 guys couldn't give a rats **** about my sewing - their eyes glaze over if I even mention it, LOLLLLL. Hubby takes me fabric shopping all the time and never - or rather, rarely, hehe - complains about my hoard of supplies, so I can't really complain ;) At least I have sewy friends to chit chat with about a shared passion!

  8. Wonderful, Maria! Yes, she's got your talent :O))))
    Have a happy new week,

  9. How wonderful to share your passion with the loved ones. Your're inspiring and your works are wonderful.

  10. Wonderful pouch! Your daughter is also so talented :)
    Have a wonderful week!
    Hugs from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft


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