
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Do I Really Need More Fabric

I thought I'd pop in and let you know that I haven't disappeared. It would appear that the last thing I make was the pouches about a week ago but in fact I have been sewing like mad it's just that whatever I'm making I can't show you yet. I have one bag completed for a blog hop and another two test bags completed too. Tonight I'm about to start on the next one.

I would have started earlier but couldn't make up my mind which fabrics to use and after much searching in my stash decided I needed more. Only about a meter. I should have known better and taken someone with me to keep a tight rein becasue I ended up coming home with 8 meters LOLLLL. Well it's not going to go to waste. I'll use all of it eventually and anyway my way of thinking is if I buy it now I won't be tempted to go out and buy even more when I need to make something, so I'm actually saving, right.

Here are the fabrics I bought. It's evening here so the lighting isn't very good. The colours are much sharper.

I think I'm going to be using these two for my next test bag. These are upholstery fabrics.

This is a cotton fabric and I loved the chain stitch and glitter in it. So pretty.

These two are also upholstery fabrics but have a velvety feel to them. The one on the right looks like a brownish colour but in fact its more green.

Well I've had a good fondle of my fabric so I'd best get back to some more sewing now.

Hope you're all having as much fun as I am.

Happy Sewing

~ Maria ~


  1. You know I love to see other people's fabric. It doesn't have to be mine to ooh and ahh over. Love what you are choosing for Christine's bag and really love the flowered cotton with the chain stitching and glitter. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  2. Do you really need more fabric. YES. Next question? :D Of course the flower fabric is my favourite, but then I saw the embroidery and glitter on it - WOW that's sweet!

  3. Let me tell you that you don't need those fabrics, you should send it to me LOLLLL
    They are beautiful !!!! I like upholstery fabric but here I can't find such a beauties

  4. It just means you will be sewing for awhile! If I ever have as much fabric as I do yarn, I am in trouble..... deep trouble!!! Nancy

  5. GORGEOUS fabrics Maria, as always you have such great taste to match your sewing skills! Can't wait to see ALL of your test bags! :)

  6. I just finished my test bag for Christine yesterday. I shopped at home in my stash because I have so much to choose from, lol!! I love that fabric with the embroidery and glitter. It's pretty and unusual with those embellishments already on the fabric. Can't wait to see the creations you make using all of your fabrics.

  7. I'm a bit off on timing. To the question "Do I Really Need More Fabric", I say, of course. Someone as creative as you and so talented shouldn't waste your time on things other than sewing. LOL. I'm not really a flowery fabric girl but I do love all those textures on the fabrics.


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