
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Reversible Lunchtime Pouch Pattern Review

I was delighted to be able to do a pattern review for this cute Reversible Lunchtime Pouch by Jane at Projects by Jane. It's always fun making bags but I adore making quick easy projects and this is perfect to make in a spare hour.

This little pouch pattern is Jane's baby. It was her first pattern ever back in 2011 and has been very popular. After making it I can see why. This is the second pattern of Jane's I've used and it's excellent. For a first pattern it's very well written with loads of photos of all the steps and a diagram showing how to cut out your pattern pieces from the fabric.

I knew straight away which fabric to use. I chose one that I bought last time I visited my daughter and it's my favourite colour. This is an easy project and although I've made drawstring pouches in the past non of them were made using this method, very easy and even better is that the pouch is reversible.

The pattern uses a plain fabric for the bottom of the pouch but I love this fabric so wanted the whole of the outer side of the pouch in this floral fabric. It would have looked nice with the plain blue on the bottom side too.

The inside is a gorgeous blue which is the reversible side of the pouch. I just tied my ribbon ends in a knot because the beads I had didn't have a large enough hole, next time I'll make the band from fabric and make it narrow enough to fit the beads. I was hoping to keep this one to myself but a customer insisted on buying it. Never mind, I still have more of this fabric so it's a good excuse for making another one. This would be a great project to make for craft fairs.

This reversible pouch is so useful for so many things. I personally think it's too cute to use as a lunch bag though. Ideas that sprung to mind were for carrying your stitching projects or even a holder for carrying a ball of wool while knitting. It would also make a lovely little makeup/manicure pouch or even as a gift bag.  

What would you use it for?

If you'd like to make one you can buy the pattern HERE and from now till the end of December 2014 you can get 25% discount by using the etsy discount coupon code  MIASCREATION2014 (all caps).

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Sewing

~ Maria ~


  1. It really is cute, Maria. The color is gorgeous and the fact that it is reversible is great.

  2. Maria you now have a discount named after you - you've MADE it! :) Just joking (sort of), but it really is an honour, and of course Jane is such a lovely lady :)

    The bag looks great - the bottom DOES look different than other round drawstring bags I've seen - is, by any chance, the lining bottom attached to the outside bottom? I know Jane's patterns (most, if not all) have no raw edges, so I wonder if she came up with a cool way to do that.

  3. I love your fabric, but then blues are my favorite colors too. It is a lovely little bag. I have done a lot of drawstring bags that were the old-fashioned reticule type for my daughter. I have never tried one with a round bottom. The fact that itr is reversible is a plus, although I would never put your lovely blue print inside. I like it too much! Nice blog.

  4. Hi Maria,
    such a sweet litlle pouch :O)
    Happy sewing day, hope you don't stuck in mountains fabrcis ;O)

  5. Maria, you've chosen such a lovely fabric and colour! My advice to you: if you ever want to keep something for yourself - never display it for sale. Someone will want it for sure. I know this from experience.

  6. That fabric is beautiful!!!

  7. thats sooooo cute !!
    I also wouldn't put my lunch in it..would hate to get it dirty :-0

  8. So cute! With that rounded bottom I'm sure it'll fit a good lunch, or anything else. Great job, Maria.

  9. Lovely little pouch, it would be great like a gift bag !!!

  10. This is really cute! Love your fabric choices =)

  11. I like that, its a good idea for a few extra Christmas gifts. It would make a nice makeup bag or lunch bag or for weekend toiletries. Thanks for some ideas. Got to get that sewing machine out

  12. Loved your bag so much that I purchased the pattern and made the bag. Thank you.


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