
Friday, November 7, 2014

Fiona Wallet & A Giveaway

I was delighted to be accepted as a tester for Karis of Clobird Designs. As much as I love making bags I love wallets even more. I think it's becasue they come together so quickly, instant gratification and the Fiona Wallet is no exception.

The pattern hasn't long been released and already these wallets are popping up in the most fabulous fabrics.

I tested this one below, took it out shopping and someone ordered two exactly the same. I can't wait to get some of my orders out of the way to make more of these. In fact I'm making a bag at the moment and it's screaming for a Fiona wallet to accompany it.

Here's mine.

Because I have to find substitutes for ShapeFlex and Peltex I made mine slightly different but the result is more or less the same. I used a very stiff interfacing that I sewed into the purse instead of slipping in Peltex pieces when the wallet was completed. I also quilted my wallet with squiggly lines becasue I wanted it to match the handbag I made.

The pattern was very easy to follow with clear instructions accompanied by photos of each step for those of us who are visual sewers.

The Fiona Wallet has 6 card slots, a zipper pocket for coins, pen holder and cash/checkbook pocket. I think the thing I like the most about the wallet is the pen holder because I'm always loosing mine in my bag.

This was the first one I made but felt I needed to make mine a little stiffer so when I got an order for two more I tried out a stiffer version and they were perfect. If you use the ones recommended in the pattern yours will be perfect too and will be a lot easier to make than the way I did it. The finished size of the closed wallet is approx 7 3/4" wide x 4" high.

Here's my set. The Fiona Wallet to accompany my Kentucky Bag by Numbskull Patterns and a key pouch which I just ran up myself.

These are the two that were a custom order.

Now for the giveaway details and this is a fabulous giveaway because not only can you win the Fiona Wallet pattern but also fabric to make 2 wallets and if you don't sew or would rather have one made for you then that is another option of the giveaway. Check the photo below.

All you have to do is
1) Go over to Clobird Designs Facebook Page and like the giveaway post.
2) Leave a comment there below the giveaway post saying either: Fabric or Wallet -- you choose your prize!
3) Share on IG, FB or Pinterest with #fionawallet and get additional entries
4) Winner will be announced on Sunday at noon, EST

If you can't wait to see if you win you can buy the pattern HERE on Craftsy.

Best of luck to all of you. I know you're going to love this wallet as much as I do. I'm busy sewing up orders and doing a bag review but as soon as those are out of the way I'll be making more of these wallets.

Happy Sewing

~ Maria ~


  1. Beautiful as always Maria. What a great looking set too.

  2. Can wallets be sexy? Yours are! That's a really pretty wallet design, and as per usual, you've done a most wonderful job with yours - no wonder people are offering to buy them as soon as they see them, lol!

  3. They look gorgeous! I'm so happy you are selling them well.

  4. Hi Maria,
    this Wallet is wonderful!
    and a lovely Giveawy! Would love to win the pattern :O)
    Happy weekend to you,

  5. Maria that wallet is gorgeous and the whole set too.

  6. Wallet! I seriously need a new one and I'd love to make any of Mia's Creations/Fiona Wallet.
    Thank you so much


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