
Friday, December 4, 2015

The New Easy Street Pattern Range by Christine Welsh #1 Abby's Alley

I'm so glad to be testing for Christine Welsh again. I've been so caught up with work and committing to other test bags that I've missed out on Christine's lovely patterns but all that is going to change becasue I am going walk through fire if I have to in order to test regularly for Christine. Did you know she was the first designer I ever tested for and that was many years ago.

Anyway let me tell you about Christine's new range of patterns.

Easy Street Patterns. If you've made Christine's patterns in the past take note that these are EASY patterns and much quicker to make than her usual range.

So far there are two new patterns in this range and I was fortunate to test both. The first and the one I'm going to show you is Abby's Ally. 

This is a large tote Approx. size: 45.7cm W X 31.8cm H X 13.5cm D (18” W X 12 1/2” H X 5 ¼” D) that I have modified slightly as I didn't have the grommets needed for the handles. You can see Christine's in the photo at the end of this post.
Instead of using grommets and rope handle I made a fabric one that I sewed to the outside of the bag inside the pockets.
The front has these two lovely large pockets, so deep nothing will drop out of these.

Then inside there are four of those large slip pockets to keep everything organized. Alot of stuff fits in this tote.

 My daughter taught me how to make these bows so I decided to add one to my bag to match the handles as my fabric was very plain.

The back also has these big slip pockets. You can always recognize a bag designed by Christine because no matter how easy a pattern is it's always got loads of pockets. I think its her signature LOL

The construction of this bag was completely different to any I have made before and very clever but I'm not going to tell you how it's done, you'll have to get the pattern and find out for yourself. 

This is Christine's. Don't they look gorgeous in these fabrics.

Ok now for details of how to get your copy. First of all the good news is that the Easy Street Range will be cheaper than her other patterns which are all excellent value. Both Easy Street Patterns are $6.95 and if you buy them both together they are $13.00 now that really is good value. Get them HERE. Better still if you have signed up for her newsletter you will see a code for a further 20% discount. You haven't signed up!!!!!!!!!!! then do so quick HERE.

If you want to see all the other testers photos then go HERE. They all look amazing.

Hope you'll come back and see the next Easy Street Pattern I have to share with you.

~ Maria ~


  1. Great job Maria! I like your handles and the sweet bow.

  2. Beautiful bag! So glad to hear from you. Christine's designs are special and yes, lots of pockets is her signature. LOL

  3. Great bag, Maria. Glad to have you back in the testers group.

  4. Lovely bag, Maria! Fine review. Computer died, setting up new one now. Hope to get to my reviews tomorrow!

  5. Those are pretty bags - while I love all the work that goes into designing the "fits everything you can possibly need" type of bags, when it comes to making them, I've realized that I just want something simple :D


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